Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Is That A Big Crater On Pluto? Pyramidal Mountain Found On Ceres
Pluto with its enigmatic “crater” photographed on June 27. The apparent row of three depressions near the bottom of the globe are most likely artifacts from processing.
Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
You’re probably as eager as I am for new images of Pluto and Ceres as both New Horizons and Dawn push ever closer to their respective little worlds.
Recent photos, of which there are only a few, reveal some wild new features including what appears to a large crater on Pluto.
More http://bit.ly/1CHDUDB
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French Economy In “Dire Straits”, “Worse Than Anyone Can Imagine”, Leaked NSA Cable Reveals
Earlier today Wikileaks released a new batch of NSA intercepts among which one in particular stands out: an intercepted communication which reveals that then French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici believes the French economic situation was far worse, as of mid-2012, than perceived.
Specifically, Moscovici who served as French finance minister until 2014 and then became European commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, used some very colorful language, i.e., the French economic situation was “worse than anyone [could] imagine and drastic measures [would] have to be taken in the next two years”.
Needless to say, no drastic measures were taken. In fact, no measures at all were taken because thanks to the ECB’s “whatever it takes” 2012 intervention and subsequent QE, pushed French yields to record low levels making the need for any reform moot (a la Greece, until the whole circus exploded).
More http://bit.ly/1LSwJh0
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Economic Collapse,
NSA Leaked Documents
Growing Concerns Over Tomorrow’s Leap Second
Tomorrow at 8 PM, we’re adding an extra second to the day.
Over the past 200 years, the length of a day has increased by two milliseconds, which is all well and good, but the insane accuracy of the atomic clocks we’ve been using since 1967 doesn’t account for that, so we’ve had to add leap seconds 25 times since 1972.
Tomorrow, however, is the first time a leap second will be added during trading hours since markets went electronic.
Tomorrow, however, is the first time a leap second will be added during trading hours since markets went electronic.
Naturally, this has some experts concerned with estimates that around 10 percent of large scale computer networks will experience issues that stem from the added second. It happened to Reddit, Mozilla, and Qantas Airways back in 2012.
To account for any issues that could occur tomorrow, evening trading will close five minutes early – Nasdaq will stop trading at 7:48 EST, and shut down at 7:55.
Any data transmitted five minutes before and after the second will be held for another five minutes.
Trading in Asia and Australia will start one second after the leap, but they also plan to smear the leap over the course of two hours by splitting it up into 7,200 pieces.
To account for any issues that could occur tomorrow, evening trading will close five minutes early – Nasdaq will stop trading at 7:48 EST, and shut down at 7:55.
Any data transmitted five minutes before and after the second will be held for another five minutes.
Trading in Asia and Australia will start one second after the leap, but they also plan to smear the leap over the course of two hours by splitting it up into 7,200 pieces.
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Monday, June 29, 2015
Military And U.S. Agents Patrolling Texas Streets Asking Mysterious Questions
In the first video below, you’ll learn that there seems to be some developments on the DHS and FEMA Mobile Command Centers we spotted in Texas last week at a Federal Express Terminal.
In the second video is footage of when the Mobile Command Centers first showed up.
When we first inquired, we were told the units were just there for storage, yet less than a week later, the Command Centers are driving the streets of Texas, and squads of agents are are going door-to-door asking residents about storm damage.
D.H.S.? Storm Damage? I don’t think so.
Worse, is these agents are asking in areas that have not been hit by storms. What are these agents really doing? Why are they going door-to-door?
More with Videos http://bit.ly/1eVJv4j
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Martial Law,
Police State,
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Supercomputer Model Shows Planet Making Waves In Nearby Debris Disk
A new NASA supercomputer simulation of the planet and debris disk around the nearby star Beta Pictoris reveals that the planet’s motion drives spiral waves throughout the disk, a phenomenon that causes collisions among the orbiting debris.
Patterns in the collisions and the resulting dust appear to account for many observed features that previous research has been unable to fully explain.
These images compare a view of Beta Pictoris in scattered light as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope (top) with a similar view constructed from data in the SMACK simulation (red overlay, bottom).
The X pattern in the Hubble image forms as a result of a faint secondary dust disk inclined to the main debris disk.
Previous simulations were unable to reproduce this feature, but the SMACK model replicates the overall pattern because it captures the three-dimensional distribution of the collisions responsible for making the dust.
More with Video http://bit.ly/1KhGC90
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Oslo Creates World’s First ‘Highway’ To Protect Endangered Bees
From flower-emblazoned cemeteries to rooftop gardens and balconies, Norway’s capital Oslo is creating a “bee highway” to protect endangered pollinators essential to food production.
“We are constantly reshaping our environment to meet our needs, forgetting that other species also live in it,” Agnes Lyche Melvaer, head of the Bybi, an environmental group supporting urban bees, which is leading the project.
“To correct that we need to return places to them to live and feed,” she explained, sitting on a bench in a lush city centre square bursting with early Nordic summer growth.
With its sunflowers, marigolds and other nectar-bearing flowers planted by bee-loving locals and school children, Abel’s Garden was until recently covered only in grass but is now a floral “feeding station” for bees.
More http://bit.ly/1LuJsbG
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South Carolina Church Shooting: Were Dylann Roof Photos Digitally Altered?
An open-access website called fotoforensics.com allows visitors to analyze digital images and detect potential alteration. One of the techniques offered at the site is Error Level Analysis. According to the site’s tutorial on ELA:
Error Level Analysis (ELA) permits identifying areas within an image that are at different compression levels. With JPEG images, the entire picture should be at roughly the same level. If a section of the image is at a significantly different error level, then it likely indicates a digital modification …
ELA highlights differences in the JPEG compression rate. Regions with uniform coloring, like a solid blue sky or a white wall, will likely have a lower ELA result (darker color) than high-contrast edges. The things to look for:
Edges. Similar edges should have similar brightness in the ELA result. All high-contrast edges should look similar to each other, and all low-contrast edges should look similar. With an original photo, low-contrast edges should be almost as bright as high-contrast edges.
More http://bit.ly/1JpZzb5
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Charleston Shootings,
False Flag Ops,
Friday, June 26, 2015
Nowhere To Hide: Facebook Goes Beyond ‘Facial Recognition’ To Track You
Terrifying new research shows Facebook’s ambitions to track users has gone far beyond the company’s ‘old’ technology that recognizes users faces, which in itself poses a dizzying array of privacy concerns.
The new development, dubbed Pose Invariant PErson Recognition (PIPER), gathers information about your clothing, hairstyles and body shapes and currently holds a 83% accuracy rate, already incredibly high and is expected to increase even further.
Yann LeCun, head of artificial intelligence at Facebook explained how it works:
“There are a lot of cues we use. People have characteristic aspects, even if you look at them from the back. For example, you can recognize Mark Zuckerberg very easily, because he always wears a gray T-shirt.”
In an effort to ease fears over the invasive technology, Facebook denied plans to integrate it onto their site.
More http://bit.ly/1Nlb55E
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Artificial Intelligence,
Invasive Technology,
Pose Invariant PErson Recognition (PIPER),
Tracking and Surveillance
Pope – Positioning Himself To Be Head Of Planned One World Religion?
Pope Francis of the Catholic Church recently came out and released an Encyclical “Laudato Si” (although someone leaked it ahead of time and released it for him) focused on tackling the issues of poverty and environmental damage.
As noble as this sounds, however, in doing so the Pope fell into the trap set up by the Club of Rome and other elite think tanks of blaming man for global warming.
Rather than sticking to a more general message of caring for the Earth and treating the environment responsibly, the Pope’s message was decidedly political.
By entering into politics with the Rockefeller-and-CFR-created United Nations at his back, one has to wonder if the Pope is positioning himself – or being positioned – to be the head of the planned One World Religion which has long been planned as an integral part of the structure of the New World Order (NWO).
Pope Francis to be Chief Priest of the One World Religion?
The push to make the Pope the head of the UN One World Religion has been going on awhile. Last year, for instance, former Israeli President (and therefore by definition war criminal) Shimon Peres held public talks with the Pope and expressed his desire for Pope Francis to lead the world into a One World Religion.
More http://bit.ly/1eNQagM
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New World Order,
Pope Francis,
Power Elite,
United Religions
Last Chance Saloon
This is it, folks. Last call. Gonna step up or not?
This is the final fight, perhaps the last for humanity.
What are you going to do? Observe, wait, watch, criticize or just ignore it all?
That’s what most people have been doing – why break the streak? That’s what humanity appears to love to do.
The amount of people cratered in their own selfish cyclical lives is repugnant.
The lack of response to our clearly contrived and very dangerous condition is anathema to me.
It’s not that I do not understand it, it is simply unacceptable.
How can human beings watch while their world is caving in on them by clearly ill intentioned forces?
Do we really think there’s nothing we can do?
More http://bit.ly/1CzkEYW
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Hard-Core Truth On Jade Helm's Futuristic Purpose Finally Revealed
In the video below, BrewingWaves confirms much of what was learned in a previous post of mine titled, CIA and Jade Helm Surround U.S. Veterans’ Homes Thanks to Maps Provided by Bilderberg Head Peter Thiel, however in the video below BrewingWaves goes MUCH further down the rabbit hole than I ever thought possible.
To save some time, “JADE” is a software application the military is now using that allocates manpower and equipment on-the-fly based on prior experience, prior events, and the capability of being able to “predict criminal activity.”
It is an artificial intelligence application that learns which tactics and personnel were most successful in different scenarios.
That is the “JADE” part of Jade Helm.
JADE is taking the helm (lead) in this exercise, and according to the information in my previous post, for now the plan is to encompass the most dense pockets of veterans based on location information obtained by Peter Thiel and then turned over to the CIA during Bilderberg.
More with Video http://bit.ly/1LFynTb
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Bilderberg Group,
jade Helm,
Power Elite
Thursday, June 25, 2015
The Cheapskate’s Guide To Surviving Without Air Conditioning
It’s that time of year again. The mercury is climbing…and staying there, way up at the top of the thermometer.
But running an air conditioner at full blast to combat the heat can be very expensive, and for those of us on a budget, the resulting bill can be crippling.
So what can you do when the heat is on, while still maintaining a reasonable electric bill? These simple tips can help you keep your cool on even the hottest day.
Avoid heating up your house.
Many of the things that we do without thinking are unconsciously adding 5-10 degrees of heat to an already uncomfortably warm house.
In the hottest part of the year, I avoid running certain appliances. Some folks say to run those heat-creating appliances at night, but I depend on the cool nighttime temperatures to bring my home down to a comfortable level for the next day.
In the summer, avoid or limit your use of the following:
More with Video http://bit.ly/1SNtMlX
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U.S. Sends 250 Military Vehicles to Russian Border Including Abrams Tanks (Video)
Well, since Obama is officially our new dictator now that the TPP has passed, I guess he figured it was time to flex his military prowess. What a stud huh? A week or so ago, Putin threatened that any further economic actions by the United States against Russia would be met “in kind.”
My guess is when 250 military vehicles including Abrams Tanks show up on his doorstep, he’s not going to take that very well. Crazy times we’re in. I no sooner got the post out today that George Soros is worried about World War III between the United States and China.
In the video below, you’ll see that this is the first time M1A2 Tanks have been moved by air within Europe, and the first time Abrams Tanks have fired at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria. The tanks are part of the European Activity Set, which is designed to support the U.S. Army’s Regionally Aligned Force.
The EAS enhances the capability of the RAF brigade and provides it the combat systems necessary to conduct unified land operations training alongside European allies and other partner nations in the region.
Training that strengthens the interoperability between allied armies, enhances trust, and strengthens the enduring relationships that are the foundation of security in the region.”
More with Video http://bit.ly/1GKm4Uq
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Why: Foreign Actors Wanted For U.S. Army Special Ops (Video)
The denial in this country about False Flag Ops is at an all time low, many are seeing the truth when it is presented to them.
In my last article, Charleston Shooter Is Actor US Marine Crisis Actor As Jade Helm Stipulates, I presented evidence that Dylann Roof was really 33 year old John Christian Graas, child actor and a Marine aviator .
We are at a place in time when The Powers That Be are becoming so blatant that it would almost be a joke were it not for the fact that so many people are still being duped.
It all began with 9/11 and 7/7 and more recently we’ve seen a series of events that look suspiciously like they were staged.
More with Video http://bit.ly/1QRJgrJ
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense "Law Of War" Manual To Include Journalists? | Politics
Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense "Law Of War" Manual To Include Journalists? | Politics:
Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense “Law Of War” Manual To Include Journalists?
The Pentagon just rewrote the Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual to include “Unprivileged” “Belligerence” people, this places Journalists and Citizens on the same list as Terrorists.
With Jade Helm taking place, militarty movement all across this nation, and now declaring war on Journalist, there is no stopping them now.
They had to silence citizen journalists and take control of the internet, which they did with net neutrality and no journalists, so then can control the flow of information from those who are awake and push their own propaganda as they see fit.
Basically, the New World Order is putting everything in place for their war on the people. You will comply, you will conform, if you stand behind the constutuion and excercise your constitutional rights, you will be consider an enemy combatant and you will be dealt with accordingly.
If the actions of LEO’s across this country are any indication as to how this will soon unfold, one would have to conclude this is a “Take no prisoners” enemy combatant excercise.
You can view the Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual Here.
The new wording can be found on page 173 as the video below will walk you through what I have described. Full Story Here.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Feds Scheme To Use Your Tattoo Against You
1 in 5 Americans have a tattoo…
“Soon, tattoos will be such efficient tracking devices, you should just get a bar code tattooed on your forehead.”
Now the government is getting involved with that too!
In the video below, you’ll learn that the feds at the us national institute of standards and technology, or nist, just held something called the tattoo recognition technology challenge workshop.
They invited computer scientists to come work on new algorithms for law enforcement to use so that they can identify people from afar by their tattoos.
Would you believe me if i told you law enforcement agencies have even developed phone apps that can quickly recognize a tattoo and link it to a person?
More http://bit.ly/1FqHhyz
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Tracking and Surveillance
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Michigan Agriculture Workgroup Recommends Legislation To Support Urban Livestock Operations
Of the 20 requests occurring after the new guidelines were issued, 6 of them were denied because the operations would have been too close to neighbors.
As explained by MDARD’s director of environmental stewardship, Jim Johnson, the denied sites “either had more than 13 homes within an eighth of a mile, or another residence within 250 feet.”
Although site inspectors generally try to help applicants determine if there is any possible way to create a permissible livestock operation on their property—such as by putting the animals near the back of the property—sometimes it is just not possible.
Even for those applicants who succeed in gaining site approval and Right to Farm protection, those in urban or suburban areas face the risk of their farms falling out of compliance as new houses go up.
After all, the Right to Farm protection was traditionally meant for rural farms, to shield them from encroaching residential development. As Johnson noted, it is uncertain what might happen to an approved farm in an already developed or still developing area.
More http://bit.ly/1LkyWBN
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U.N. Troops Are Conductive Massive Military Exercises Domestically With U.S. Military
The majority of our service members who will be called upon in times of emergency may realize what is happening and refuse to negate their oaths to the U.S. Constitution when push comes to shove.
But foreign “peace keepers” deployed under the U.N banner will have no such convictions. They’realready here and they are getting ready… for you.
In the first video below, you will see Professor Doom1 recap a fair amount of the U.N. activity that has been taking place right here on U.S. soil. Is U.N. activity cause for alarm and hysterics with everyone screaming “Martial Law” and “FEMA Camps?”
As I said to someone the other day, almost any story I post, when viewed in a vacuum can most certainly appear innocuous enough. Sure! I get that.
However, when I have posted probably close to 600+ stories on Martial Law, FEMA camps, Jade Helm, and the like… It’s not rocket science to connect a few dots and draw the conclusion that something is rotten! As Professor Doom1 says, ”What more do you need to smack you across your jibs to be convinced?”
More with Videos http://bit.ly/1TwTZqa
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Martial Law,
Operation Jade Helm,
Police State,
UN Troops
Gerald Celente: America Headed Towards Total Financial Collapse
The video below is with none other than Gerald Celente who has been saying A Worldwide Panic Is Beginning And “There Is No Recovery.” How do people not believe this crash is coming?
How? Willful ignorance? The video touches on the filthy rich who are Renouncing US Citizenship in Record Numbers, and fleeing to Multi-Million Dollar Doom Bunkers.
How? Willful ignorance? The video touches on the filthy rich who are Renouncing US Citizenship in Record Numbers, and fleeing to Multi-Million Dollar Doom Bunkers.
Are you wondering What Will Happen To You When The Dollar Collapses? Watch the video and get top notch insight from one of the world’s finest: Gerald Celente.
It says the following in, Gerald Celente Declares That A Worldwide Panic Is Beginning And “There Is No Recovery:”
OK, some things have begun to happen, and some very important people in the financial world are getting very nervous. If you’re not already well versed in who Gerald Celente is, then Google him and do 20 minutes worth of reading on him.
More with Video http://bit.ly/1Gig9Cx
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Financial Collapse,
Gerald Celente
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Vatican Speaker And California Governor In Push For Massive Depopulation
The depopulationists are on the move again, pushing hard for the elimination of six billion people on planet Earth in order to bring the planet down to what’s being touted as its “sustainable carrying capacity of one billion people.”
But this time, the depopulation agenda may be codified by the Vatican. Professor John Schellnhuber has been chosen as a speaker for the Vatican’s rolling out of a Papal document on climate change.
He’s the professor who previously said the planet is overpopulated by at least six billion people.
Now, the Vatican is giving him a platform which many expect will result in an official Church declaration in support of radical depopulation in the name of “climate science.”
“The teaching document, called an encyclical, is scheduled for release on June 18 at Vatican City,” reports Breitbart.com. “Perhaps with the exception of the 1968 encyclical on contraception, no Vatican document has been greeted with such anticipation.”
More http://bit.ly/1IOXD8U
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Depopulation Agenda,
The Vatican
GMO Corn – The Poison Plant Everyone Eats
Just about everyone loves corn, especially fresh corn-on-the-cob in summer. Well, maybe “corn-aholics” ought to research the effects of modern GMO corn before taking another bite. Don’t pop that corn yet!
Jerry Rosman was a pig and cattle farmer, who now is an ORGANIC farming consultant as a result of losing his animal-breeding farming business due to GMO corn feedstock interfering with animal husbandry and reproduction—baby piglets and calves.
Rosman realized that the GM corn, actually bt-corn, he was feeding his hogs was responsible for sows experiencing false pregnancies. That led to his eventually losing the swine and cattle breeding and farming business. In his ah-ha moment, after realizing what was going on, he said, “If this is happening to our hogs, what’s happening to humans?”
If that’s what happened to Mr. Rosman, shouldn’t everyone be concerned about GMO bt-corn, which is an ingredient in just about every mass-produced food product sold in the USA?
More http://bit.ly/1enjScf
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Food and Farming,
Food Safety,
Why Has NASA Announced That A Meteor Is Not Going To Hit The Earth In September?
Internet buzz about a giant meteor that is going to strike our planet in September has become so intense that NASA has been forced to issue a statement publicly denying that it is going to happen.
NASA insists that the agency knows of “no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth”, and that “no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years”.
To be honest, NASA should perhaps hold off on making such bold statements concerning what will happen in the future considering the fact that the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia in 2013 took them totally by surprise.
In any event, what we do know is that our region of space is absolutely packed with meteors and asteroids. At this point, approximately 10,000 major near earth objects have been discovered by scientists, and about 10 percent of them are one kilometer or larger in size. If any of those big ones were to hit us, we would be looking at another Tunguska event or worse.
Very large meteors have struck our planet before, and they will hit us again. It is only a matter of time.
More http://bit.ly/1CdwZSg
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Protecting Against Sun Damage Without Sunscreen
Nothing quite beats the feeling of pure, warm sunlight in the spring and summer months, especially after a particularly cold and dreary winter. We often take for granted the life-giving power of the sun, completely ignoring its many health benefits.
On one hand, sun helps us to produce vitamin D, a hormone necessary for bone health and optimal immune function; on the other, sunlight can also cause deleterious effects on skin elasticity and function, aggressively facilitating the early signs of aging.
Having these extreme oppositions means we need to find a balance between getting enough and avoiding damage resulting from overexposure. And, regardless of what you may have heard in the past, this doesn’t always have to require the use of sunscreen.
How to Protect Against Sun Damage from the Inside Out
The sun has been vilified for decades thanks to a number of past studies indicating sun exposure increases the risk for skin cancer. While it is certainly true that subjecting your skin to too much sunlight can elevate cancer risk, a stable approach to exposure can actually decrease mortality from all causes.
More http://bit.ly/1dKbh2n
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Exposed: Clinton Withheld 180 Emails About Benghazi
At what point do liberals or progressives (COUGH Communists) in this country begin to realize the all the rhetoric pushed on them by the education system, the media, and the entertainment industry has been pure nonsense?
If the people supporting Clinton right now don’t wake up and smell the coffee real soon, they won’t aren’t going be able to cry “victim” over a fabricated war on women, war on gays, being “economically challenged,” or because they are “undocumented.”
They’re going to be able to cry “victim” because total tyranny has set in!
Hillary Clinton and Obama have shown time after time the have no regard for the law what-so-ever. With virtually no coverage from the mainstream media, we now know:
More http://bit.ly/1dK9PwZ
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Benghazi Embassy Attack,
Hillary Clinton,
Thursday, June 4, 2015
America Prepare to Defend Yourselves | Police State
America Prepare to Defend Yourselves | Police State: "With this kind of evil idolatry, can the lethal persecution of Christians be far behind?
These are stunning developments in America. Developments which would have seemed unbelievable only 10 years ago. "
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These are stunning developments in America. Developments which would have seemed unbelievable only 10 years ago. "
America Prepare to Defend Yourselves
America has been invaded and is in the proces of being occupied. ILS towers which can be used to guide in troop transport planes and heavy equipment in bad weather are being put into the countryside outside of Cheyenne,Wyoming, where they have a lot of bad weather. Intellistreets “Big Brother” surveillance is being installed in Cheyenne, Wyoming as well and is prevalent at the local Walmart.
In places like Flint, Michigan, our cities are being turned into potential battlegrounds as highly obnoxious and very aggressive military drills are underway and are serving to frighten the local population.
The intent of the Jade Helm forces is becoming more clear with each passing day. We have foreign troops entering the country in central Texas and in Portland, Oregon. I have previously reported that the Michigan National Guard and Army Reserve Units have trained with foreign troops in late April.
America is being occupied by hostile forces as activities such as Jade Helm are also being imposed upon American communities. As many already know, JadeHelm is preparing Special Operation Forces to extract political dissidents and impose martial law as part of the drill.
The infrastructure related to military occupation is being put into place at places like local Walmarts and in obscure placed like Wheatland, Wyoming. Unmistakably, the post-collapse America infrastructure is already being put into place all across the country as per the America 2050 Agenda 21 plan.
Americans Could Soon Be On Their Own
Every day, I get emails just like the following which tell me how their communities are being federalized and taken over.
Read More...Dear Dave,
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Emergency Powers Give Barack Obama Authority Over Just About Everything During A Major National Crisis
Presidents have always exercised emergency powers, but now thanks to dozens of new laws, regulations, court decisions and executive orders, Barack Obama is the most powerful president in all of U.S. history.
Of course the U.S. Constitution does not actually give the president any special powers during a time of national emergency, but over time presidents have decided that they should be able to exercise such powers and the courts have generally agreed with them.
During World War II and prior to that, these emergency powers were largely uncodified and were primarily used during times of war. But since World War II things have completely changed, and this has particularly been true since 9/11.
Over the past decade or so, a whole host of extraordinary powers have specifically been given to the office of the president, and all that it takes to exercise them is a major “national emergency”.
So if we do have a full-blown economic collapse, a historic natural disaster, a significant war or a massive pandemic, Barack Obama could use the emergency powers that he has been given to essentially take authority over everything.
More http://bit.ly/1AKbei3
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Presidents have always exercised emergency powers, but now thanks to dozens of new laws, regulations, court decisions and executive orders, Barack Obama is the most powerful president in all of U.S. history.
Of course the U.S. Constitution does not actually give the president any special powers during a time of national emergency, but over time presidents have decided that they should be able to exercise such powers and the courts have generally agreed with them.
During World War II and prior to that, these emergency powers were largely uncodified and were primarily used during times of war. But since World War II things have completely changed, and this has particularly been true since 9/11.
Over the past decade or so, a whole host of extraordinary powers have specifically been given to the office of the president, and all that it takes to exercise them is a major “national emergency”.
So if we do have a full-blown economic collapse, a historic natural disaster, a significant war or a massive pandemic, Barack Obama could use the emergency powers that he has been given to essentially take authority over everything.
More http://bit.ly/1AKbei3
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Emergency Powers,
Obama Regime,
The Constitution
Monday, June 1, 2015
“Germs” Help The Body Produce Vitamin C: Breakthrough Discovery
Groundbreaking new research indicates that humans are capable of synthesizing vitamin C via their highly complex and capable microbiome.
We live in a time and age where decades old assumptions about the human body are being overturned on a surprisingly regular basis. For instance, bodily cells were recently found to communicate inheritable information to sex cells (e.g. sperm) capable of being passed down to the next generation, effectively challenging the exclusivity of Darwinian forms of inheritance in favor of including the long denied Larmarckian view.
Last year, edible plant material was found to ‘talk’ to the cells in our body via nanoparticles known as exosomes that regulate the expression of our DNA, as well as other important physiological pathways.
More http://bit.ly/1FYU543
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Groundbreaking new research indicates that humans are capable of synthesizing vitamin C via their highly complex and capable microbiome.
We live in a time and age where decades old assumptions about the human body are being overturned on a surprisingly regular basis. For instance, bodily cells were recently found to communicate inheritable information to sex cells (e.g. sperm) capable of being passed down to the next generation, effectively challenging the exclusivity of Darwinian forms of inheritance in favor of including the long denied Larmarckian view.
Last year, edible plant material was found to ‘talk’ to the cells in our body via nanoparticles known as exosomes that regulate the expression of our DNA, as well as other important physiological pathways.
More http://bit.ly/1FYU543
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