Thursday, September 10, 2015

Planet X Accidentally Disclosed by NASA At Recent Conference

At What Point Do People Take Their Heads Out Of The Sand? 

Is A Second Solar System Other Than The One We Know Of Orbiting Our Sun?

In a word: Yes. Contrary to those who want to yell “Conspiracy Theory,’ or point fingers and  laugh, the United States learned as early as 1953 with one of our first infrared telescopes that we have an inbound bogey, or bogey’s I should say. Planet X is far more than just one massive planet.

It just happens to be the outermost planet within a smaller solar system that is orbiting a dwarf star.

You see, it has always been a well known fact that our solar system was a bit “different” than other solar systems, because we were not a binary system, meaning a solar system with two starts, once of which is typically a dwarf star. As it turns out, we’re not so different.

In the first video below, you will see an unmistakable giant sphere in the heavens… one that with current astrological maps show is not there.

So what is it then?

As I said, scientists are well aware that many other documents solar systems contain two stars: A primary star, much like our own sun, and then a much smaller one, known as a dwarf star.


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