Monday, September 14, 2015

The Health Benefits Of Antioxidants

You may have heard a lot about antioxidants in conjunction with good health and avoiding diseases.

Antioxidants have gotten great press, and rightfully so.

 But how do they work once inside our bodies, and what are some sources of antioxidants?

Have you ever seen the bottom-feeder fish in a fish-tank, sucking up all the gunk and grime?

Think of antioxidants as molecular-sized, “free radical scavengers” in the fish-tank of your body.

Once an antioxidant finds its way into the body, mostly through the foods we eat, it slows down, or even prevents, the oxidation of other molecules.

When molecules in the body oxidize, they can create free-radicals, or cellular byproducts.

It is very normal to have these free-radicals in the body, but in excess, they can wreak havoc on our cellular structures.


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