Monday, September 21, 2015

Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama

Captured ISIS leader Yousef al-Salafi has confessed that the Islamic State is being funded by the U.S. government. America has been suspicious of the Obama Administration’s treason without concrete evidence – until now.

You’re shocked? Really?

What else is there to say? None of this is new, yet thousands and thousands of Americans will watch the video below in shock and disbelief.

Then, they will continue to do what they do best… nothing.

A few weeks ago, a post titled Obama Ushers In Armageddon to America, provided a list of the 45 Goals of the Soviet Union to bring about the complete destruction of the United States.

The list was published in 1958 during the cold war. After looking at the post for all of 30 seconds, the reader can count the goals that are highlighted in BRIGHT RED, and should take notice that Obama and his band of clapping seals in today’s Democrat Party have already accomplished about 30 out of the 45 goals.

There is no debate to be had, go look.

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Massive 8.3 Magnitude Quake Shakes Chile, Copper Jumps

A powerful earthquake strikes off the coast of Chile.

The quake, originally measured at 7.2, has reportedly been upgraded to 8.3.

“Widespread hazardous tsunami waves are possible”, warns the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Copper is jumping:

The United States Geological Survey, using computer models, estimates that some 1.1 million people may have felt strong shaking as a result of the earthquake.

This includes about 54,000 people who may have experienced “very strong” shaking, and some 4,000 who may have experienced “severe” shaking.

The worst hit city would have been Illapel. Nearly 10 million others may have felt light to moderate shaking.


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Monday, September 14, 2015

The Health Benefits Of Antioxidants

You may have heard a lot about antioxidants in conjunction with good health and avoiding diseases.

Antioxidants have gotten great press, and rightfully so.

 But how do they work once inside our bodies, and what are some sources of antioxidants?

Have you ever seen the bottom-feeder fish in a fish-tank, sucking up all the gunk and grime?

Think of antioxidants as molecular-sized, “free radical scavengers” in the fish-tank of your body.

Once an antioxidant finds its way into the body, mostly through the foods we eat, it slows down, or even prevents, the oxidation of other molecules.

When molecules in the body oxidize, they can create free-radicals, or cellular byproducts.

It is very normal to have these free-radicals in the body, but in excess, they can wreak havoc on our cellular structures.


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Saturday, September 12, 2015

This Will Shock You To Your Core: 9/11 From Cheney To Mossad

On Thursday, September 9, 2015 I interviewed author Rebekah Roth about her new book ‘Methodical Deception’.

New information she has recovered about the 9/11 false flag event will shock you to your core.

This bombshell evidence destroys the “official story”, forever. Israeli Mossad involvement in the 9/11 false flag attacks can no longer be denied.


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Thursday, September 10, 2015

In The Month Of September 2015 We Officially Enter The Danger Zone

Is September 2015 going to be one of the most important months in modern American history?

 When I issued my first ever “red alert” for the last six months of 2015 back in June, I was particularly concerned with the months of September through December, and not just for economic reasons.

All of the intel that I have received is absolutely screaming that big trouble is ahead.

So enjoy these last few days of relative peace and quiet.  I mean that sincerely.

 In fact, that is exactly what I have been doing – over the past week I have not posted many articles because I was spending time with family, friends and preparing for the national call to prayer on September 18th and 19th.

 But now as we enter the chaotic month of September 2015 I have a feeling that there is going to be plenty for me to write about.

At this time last month, I declared that we were entering “the pivotal month of August 2015“, and that is exactly what it turned out to be.

 August was the worst month overall for stocks in three years, and it was the worst month of August for U.S. financial markets in 17 years.


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Holocaust Happening in China and the World Just Watches

A billion dollars per year is made by the communist party by stealing organs from live people, in other words, murdering them for organs to sell to others. Such an evil act for money.

Hospitals, surgeons, CCP all in on it.

It is estimated more than 2 MILLION Falun Gong practitioners have been killed this way over the past sixteen years.

A holocaust? Yes indeed. For money.

When will the world take action against China?

Siyamak Khorrami, a Human Rights Activist shares the unspeakable atrocities taking place on foreign soil.

He gives us the details on forced organ harvesting in China and how you can help spread the word and put a stop to it by liking and sharing the above Facebook page.

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Planet X Accidentally Disclosed by NASA At Recent Conference

At What Point Do People Take Their Heads Out Of The Sand? 

Is A Second Solar System Other Than The One We Know Of Orbiting Our Sun?

In a word: Yes. Contrary to those who want to yell “Conspiracy Theory,’ or point fingers and  laugh, the United States learned as early as 1953 with one of our first infrared telescopes that we have an inbound bogey, or bogey’s I should say. Planet X is far more than just one massive planet.

It just happens to be the outermost planet within a smaller solar system that is orbiting a dwarf star.

You see, it has always been a well known fact that our solar system was a bit “different” than other solar systems, because we were not a binary system, meaning a solar system with two starts, once of which is typically a dwarf star. As it turns out, we’re not so different.

In the first video below, you will see an unmistakable giant sphere in the heavens… one that with current astrological maps show is not there.

So what is it then?

As I said, scientists are well aware that many other documents solar systems contain two stars: A primary star, much like our own sun, and then a much smaller one, known as a dwarf star.


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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Golden Era Of Knowledge Resistance Is Upon Us

With the recent Virginia shooting false flag incident now blown wide open it occurred to me recently that humanity is in the middle of an era of all-time highest abundance of knowledge and information.

 We are swimming in knowledge thanks to the internet and technology.

This knowledge is easily available to almost anyone in a moderately developed country.

 Even children have access to this abundance of knowledge.

Used properly, the technology and information available to us today gives humanity the tools it needs to overcome and even replace the dying new world order empire seeking control of it.

That’s the good side of today’s technology, knowledge-sharing and information available to humanity. Here’s the dark side of the story however.

 With much knowledge comes much responsibility and intellectual expectation from the species.


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Stock Market Crash 2015: The Dow Has Already Plummeted 2200 Points From The Peak

Those that watched their stocks steadily increase in value for years are now seeing all of that “wealth” disappear at a staggering pace.

The only way you actually make money in the stock market is if you get out in time, and many Americans are discovering that all or most of their gains have already been wiped out.

At this point, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has dipped below where it was at the end of the 2013 calendar year.  That means that nearly two years of gains have already been obliterated.

On Friday, the Dow was down another 272 points, and it is now down more than 2200 points from the peak of the market back in May.

  For months, I have been detailing how things were setting up for this kind of financial crash in textbook fashion, and now events are playing out just as I warned.

 But this is just the beginning – what is coming next is going to shock the world.

We have already seen the 8th largest and 10th largest single day stock market crashes in all of U.S. history happen within the past few weeks.


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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Friendship Between Putin And Xi Becomes Strained As Economies Falter

They have met more than a dozen times and stood shoulder to shoulder during Thursday’s military parade here.

 But the once-vaunted relationship between the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and Russia’s leader,Vladimir V. Putin, has come under strain as the economies of their countries have faltered.

Two landmark energy deals signed last year for Russian natural gas to flow to China have made little progress and were barely mentioned when the two men met for talks after watching the show of weapons Thursday on Tiananmen Square.

The bilateral trade that was predicted to amount to more than $100 billion this year instead reached only about $30 billion in the first six months, largely because of a reduced Chinese demand for Russian oil.


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West Point Professor Says Anti-War Legal Scholars “Should Be Attacked As Enamy Combatants”

Lunatics in America aren’t just in Washington. London Guardian national security editor Spencer Ackerman explained West Point Law Professor William Bradford claims “legal scholars critical of the war on terrorism represent a ‘treasonous’ fifth column that should be attacked as enemy combatants.”

He wants them, their home offices, law schools where they teach and media outlets interviewing them targeted like radical Islamists – “even if it means great destruction, innumerable enemy casualties, and civilian collateral damage,” he wrote in an academic paper.

“Shocking and extreme as this option might seem, (dissenting) scholars, and the law schools that employ them, are – at least in theory – targetable so long as attacks are proportional, distinguish noncombatants from combatants, employ nonprohibited weapons, and contribute to the defeat of Islamism,” he claimed.


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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Why Touching Receipts Can Harm Your Health

Keeping your receipts may make good financial sense, but it can seriously harm your health.

If you are like me, you hesitate at the checkout counter whenever the cashier asks you “would you like your receipt”? If your inner accountant is alive and well, you will find yourself wanting to keep it, which means touch it.

But on the other hand, if you are already aware of the information in this article, the idea of handling a bisphenol A saturated thermal printer receipt without gloves makes as much sense as handling gasoline or paint thinner without protection.

And if you are really “neurotic” like me, you may find yourself thinking about the health of the cashier, who undoubtedly has been handling receipts all shift long, and will continue to be exposed — often unwittingly — to a significant dose of bisphenol A throughout the course of their employment.

This is why I cringe doubly when I refuse a receipt, because I realize that the cashier has no idea why I would do so, nor that they have suffered a harmful chemical exposure in the very act of offering the receipt to me.


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This App Identifies Plants From Pictures

I don’t know how many times someone has sent me a picture and asked me to identify their “mystery plant”. Countless times! There’s now a solution… at least for anyone who owns a smartphone.

(It was brought to my attention that this app was really made to identify plants from Western Europe. I didn’t realize that at the time of writing this. Here is another app that should work better for US folks.)

It’s called PlantNet and it’s an app available that’s available in the Google Play Store as well as in the Apple App Store (it works on the iPad too!).

PlantNet allows you to upload a picture you’ve taken with your phone and it will find the closest match from its database of over 100,000 images from more than 4,000 species!


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Friday, September 4, 2015

Will Uncle Sam Confiscate Gold Again?

Investors suffered financial losses in recent weeks as stocks globally came under pressure in August and had their worst month in the last three years.

In one of the most volatile trading periods since the global financial crisis,

 August saw a massive $5.7 trillion erased from the value of stocks worldwide.

No major stock market was left unscathed and the risk of financial and economic contagion became evident again.

There are growing concerns internationally that in the event of another Wall Street or global stock market crash and a new systemic crisis – a Eurozone debt crisis or another  Lehman Brothers collapse – there could be enforced bank closures or extended bank holidays in the EU and U.S. as seen in Greece recently.


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Why Are The Elite Orchestrating Such Amateurish False Flag Shootings?

The recent spate of amateurish false flag shootings, which are now being rolled out at an increasingly rapid pace, give one cause to wonder: why?

 Why are the elite orchestrating such feeble and poorly executed false flag shootings?

With all their money, power, control of the media, control of law enforcement and control of politicians, why can’t they make these false flag shootings look more real?

Aren’t they worried that with such amateurish false flag shootings they are running the risk of being caught?

Of being exposed?

Of doing such an atrocious job that it defies common belief, and thus acts as a catalyst to wake people up?

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

What Will Putin Say At UN?

On September 2, Russia chairs the UN Security Council to supervise the work of the body for a whole month.

 At the end of the month, a special meeting will be conducted to discuss the problems of the Middle East and North Africa.

In September, the United Nations will discuss issues of preserving peace and showing resistance to terrorist groups.

Strangely enough, the Ukrainian crisis is not on the agenda.

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Deaf Ears, Foot Dragging And Moving To The Next Level

It’s reality check time.

When you realize the person or persons you’re delivering an important message to doesn’t want to hear it nor do anything about it, and in fact vehemently rejects it and humiliates and even punishes you for bringing it up, it’s time to take the hint.

The so-called rulers have no interest in our petitions, protests and even demonstrations of disapproval.

While supposedly being elected to represent our interests, those concerns we have are clearly the last thing they have in mind. It couldn’t possibly be any clearer than it is today.

Oh they’ll do a little sidestep or pretend to make some slight adjustment to calm the masses down and allay a few fears or grievances, but their overall program generally goes on.

At least in this current paradigm of control.

Delayed and partial reactions are fundamentally non-reactions.


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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Alert! Powers That Be Have Big Plans for You. Here's How They'll Take You and Your Loved Ones Down!!

Why would anyone in their right mind call Sandy Hook a staged event?

 26 people died for gosh sake!  Right?  26 people did die…didn’t they?

  I mean, the Government told us they died.

The governor got up there, flanked by all those “officials” and testified to the tragic event.

We can believe them, right?

The “leader of the free world” shed a tear because he was so overcome by the emotion of the tragedy.

Urrr, uh…he wiped away something didn’t he?

  It WAS…a tear, right?

 Those in government wouldn’t LIE to us, would they?

 They wouldn’t fabricate a tale, would they…to suit their own desires?

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Putin's Agenda? Dump The Dollar

Over the past week it was revealed that China is gradually dumping billions of dollars in US treasuries.

Truth be told though, China isn’t the only country interested in unhinging itself from the dollar system. The global currency war has begun in earnest, and now Russia is getting in on the action.

Putin recently announced that he was drafting a bill that would remove the dollar and the euro from trade agreements between Russia’s closest trading partners in the CIS.

The CIS is a regional association of former Soviet States, which includes Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.


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Daily Marijuana Use Surpasses Cigarette Smoking Among College Students For The First Time

A series of national surveys of U.S. college students, as part of the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future study, shows that marijuana use has been growing slowly on the nation’s campuses since 2006.

Daily or near-daily marijuana use was reported by 5.9 percent of college students in 2014–the highest rate since 1980, the first year that complete college data were available in the study.

This rate of use is up from 3.5 percent in 2007. In other words, one in every 17 college students is smoking marijuana on a daily or near-daily basis, defined as use on 20 or more occasions in the prior 30 days.

Other measures of marijuana use have also shown an increase: The percent using marijuana once or more in the prior 30 days rose from 17 percent in 2006 to 21 percent in 2014.

Use in the prior 12 months rose from 30 percent in 2006 to 34 percent in 2014. Both of these measures leveled in 2014.


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Obama Rebuffed As Superpowers Refuse To Sign Arctic Climate Agreement

On Sunday and Monday, foreign ministers and other international leaders met in Anchorage, Alaska to attend the Conference on Global Leadership in the Arctic.

 As a sign of the importance the United States placed on the Alaska forum, President Barack Obama attended.

He used the conference as a platform for urging swifter action to combat climate change.

After the conference, the representatives of the Arctic Council members signed a joint statement affirming “our commitment to take urgent action to slow the pace of warming in the Arctic.”


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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Why America Should Be On High Alert For A Major Earthquake Along The New Madrid Fault

Did you know that a magnitude 3.5 earthquake hit the New Madrid fault about a week ago?

According to Fox News, the New Madrid fault line is approximately twenty times larger than the San Andreas fault in California, and it is starting to wake up.

Most people don’t realize this, but this fault zone has produced some of the largest earthquakes in U.S. history.  In 1811 and 1812, immensely powerful earthquakes along the New Madrid fault rang church bells in Boston and permanently changed the course of the Mississippi River.

If we had similar earthquakes today, the devastation would be unimaginable.

 Unfortunately for us, earthquake activity in the middle part of the country is becoming much more common.

The USGS says that the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country has more than quintupled in recent years, and the USGS has publicly admitted that the New Madrid fault zone has the “potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought“.


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Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Ongoing Mission To Teach Drones To Think For Themselves

The popular term “drone,” which conjures images of remote-controlled flying zombies, is becoming less and less descriptive of the latest unmanned aerial vehicles.

 New applications are requiring more autonomy and intelligence from UAVs.

“When people think about drones, they largely think of big military assets that are flying high in the sky where there’s not a whole lot of anything to hit,” says Nick Roy, director of CSAIL’s Robust Robotics Group.

“But there are a lot of applications for smaller scale UAVs working closer to the ground that require more autonomy, such as agricultural monitoring, package delivery, and situational awareness for first responders.”

Teaching UAVs and other robots to think for themselves is RRG’s central mission. “We want UAVs to be able to operate in urban environments, to get useful things done, and interact with people,” says Roy.

 “We want them to become as intelligent as they need to be for the task at hand.”

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China Issues Warning to Washington Confirming It's Been Liquidating U.S. Treasuries

Another busy week on Wall Street. We are learning that among other minor problems, like the Dow

dropping over 1,500 points in a week, that there were a few more mysterious “glitches.”

You remember the previous “glitches” right?

  During one beautiful morning the first week of July, the ALWAYS TRUTHFUL OBAMA ADMINISTRATION said there was a “glitch” on Wall Street, which ended up shutting down trading for several hours, United Airlines had a “glitch” of its own, grounding its entire fleet for several hours, by “sheer coincidence” of course, and then the Wall Street Journal also had a “glitch” that shut down online viewing all morning.

Then, much less often discussed because apparently someone put the kibosh on it, there were a series of SEVERAL THOUSAND POWER OUTAGES that were kept very quiet, and several several subways in New York just HALTED out of nowhere due to a “glitch” too.

Yep, it was a strange morning indeed. Lots of coincidences.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Virginia Shooting: Videos From Shooter’s Point Of View, Bryce Williams, Aka Vester Lee Flanagan (Video)

We are cultivating mental illness in our society

It should come as no surprise that the rate of mass shootings at schools and in other public places is increasing.

The surge has nothing to do with guns, which have been widely available in the U.S. for years.

Gun control laws have been increasing.

Instead, there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual degradation of morals, ethics and parenting.

We are cultivating mental illness in our society.


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Fort Bragg Troops Train for Domestic Emergency: “This Exercise Is About the Home Front”

Ostensibly, and on the surface, they are trained to “help out” with things like natural disasters, floods and hurricanes.

They are “ready” too for chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear hazards.

Slightly below the surface, these Fort Bragg Army engineers are also training — this time in Florida — to assist local authorities in the event of domestic disorder and potential chaos — prepared to quell civil unrest, riots, mass unrest or even the aftermath of terrorist attacks.

Scenarios which could all be really coming to America.

And that’s when the potential for martial law kicks in.

ABC11 out of North Carolina reports:

Early Friday morning, more than 300 20th Engineer Brigade soldiers prepped convoys. Over the next five days they will join more than 400 additional troops in an Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise.


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The Russian Media Is Talking About What Is Coming In September, But The U.S. Media Has Been Strangely Silent

Why does the Russian media seem to be far more on the ball than the mainstream media in the United States much of the time?

 Could it be possible that Russian reporters have more freedom to talk about important issues than reporters that work for the major corporate conglomerates in the United States do?

Of course the Russian media is far from perfect.

 They put out pro-Russian propaganda just like the U.S. media puts out pro-American propaganda.

 But I must admit that I often find that Russian news sources are willing to tackle controversial issues that the mainstream media in the United States would not touch with a ten foot pole.

This includes the critical events that are coming up this September.

Even after everything that has been said and written in the alternative media about what is going to happen during September, most Americans are still completely ignorant about the history changing events that are going to take place next month.


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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How To Create An Emergency Ammo Can First Aid Kit

When it comes to having a well-stocked first aid kit, I want to be prepared.  I truly do.

Having spent weeks at a time on a boat in the remote waters of British Columbia, I have always understood that a drugstore and medical doctor may not be accessible.  If sick or wounded, I would be on my own.

So why then, were my first aid supplies in such a disorderly mess?

In hindsight, I believe that in spite of having good intentions, it was a lot easier to keep purchasing supplies then to organize them.

It was easy to get something on Amazon then toss it in a drawer or into the  large “first aid” bin I keep in the garage.

The problem with this method is that I never really had a good handle on what I had and what I really would need in an emergency.

I simply kept buying and tossing, buying and tossing.  Sound familiar?


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Flaxseed: Just An Ounce A Day May Extend Your Life

A new study shows flaxseed positively impacts age-associated changes in inflammation, adding to an already extensive list of beneficial health effects linked to its consumption.

A new study published in Experimental Gerontology indicates that consuming about an ounce a day of flaxseed (30 grams) may profoundly benefit elderly subjects, possibly neutralizing age-associated increases in inflammation, by modulating levels of a class of fat derived biomolecules known as oxylipins.

Titled, “Elevated levels of pro-inflammatory oxylipins in older subjects are normalized by flaxseed consumption,”

 Canadian researchers looked at the effects that flaxseed have on oxylipins, a category of physiologically bioactive molecules produced in the body from the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (also known as eicosanoids).


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Europeans To Bail Out French And German Banks

The 86 billion euros from the third so-called financial rescue approved for Greece will be paid by citizens whose governments are members of the European Union.

The interests on the loans requested by the Greek government will be paid in perpetuity by the Greek people.

The third bailout will be disbursed over the next three years.

The details and conditions of the program will be reviewed every two months, according to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) issued by the parties involved in the negotiation.

Athens major lenders called the Stability Mechanism (SM), draws annual contributions from the Member States-, the European Commission, the European Central Bank and, if Greece overcomes its first review in October, also the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This is what is now known as the quartet of creditors.

The new program is part of the remaining lending capacity of the SM, which is 455 billion euros.

Thus, the new program approved on Friday does not require any new contributions from the Member States of the euro area.


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Monday, August 24, 2015

Brazil Wants Dilma And Lula Behind Bars

 Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo saw the largest protests in the country.

Thousands of people protested Sunday against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and the Workers Party (PT) in at least nine states and the capital, Brasilia, in events organized by groups advocating the removal or resignation of the president and/or a military intervention.

They were numerous posters and banners with the slogan “Get out Dilma” and “Get out PT” among the thousands of protestors who gathered in large numbers all over the nation.

As it occurred in the previous two marches held since January, after Rousseff started her second term, organized groups propose explicitly military action as a solution for the current political and economic crisis that is shaking the Rousseff government, who according to recent polls, has seen her popular support slip down to only eight percent of the electorate.


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Nestle Only Pays $524 To Extract 27,000,000 Gallons Of California Drinking Water

Nestle has found itself more and more frequently in the glare of the California drought-shame spotlight than it would arguably care to be — though not frequently enough, apparently, for the megacorporation to have spontaneously sprouted a conscience.

Drought-shaming worked sufficiently enough for Starbucks to stop bottling water in the now-arid state entirely, uprooting its operations all the way to Pennsylvania.

 But Nestle simply shrugged off public outrage and then upped the ante by increasing its draw from natural springs — most notoriously in the San Bernardino National Forest — with anabsurdly expired permit.

Because profit, of course. Or, perhaps more befittingly, theft. But you get the idea.

Nestle has somehow managed the most sweetheart of deals for its Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water, which is ostensibly sourced from Arrowhead Springs — and which also happens to be located on public land in a national forest.


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US Equity Futures Are Crashing

Moments ago, without any specific catalyst, US equity futures just plunged when in thin, illiquid tape, a seller took out about 30 consecutive levels and moment ago, the ES was down as much as -48 to just 1923, after being down a modest -13 minutes ago.

It is unclear just what is going on, or whether some prop desk or hedge fund just got tapped out, and/or how the Fed will react but the last time we had action like this, the Fed confused a liquidating SocGen trader for an economic collapse, and cut rates by 75 bps in January of 2008.

This time it does not have that luxury.


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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Did You Know That The U.S. No Longer Has Any Strategic Grain Reserves At All?

Once upon a time, it was popular to say that the U.S. government only had enough wheat stored up to provide everyone in America with half a loaf of bread.  But that is not true anymore.

Recently, I discovered that the U.S. does not have any strategic grain reserves left at all.

Zero.  Nada.  Zilch.  As you will see below, the USDA liquidated the remaining reserves back in 2008.

 So if a major food crisis hit this country, our government would have nothing to give us.

Of course the federal government could always go out and try to buy or seize food to feed the population during a major emergency, but that wouldn’t actually increase the total amount of food that was available.

 Instead, it would just give the government more power over who gets it.


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Getting Started With Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to improve your health in a natural way.

Don’t run to the doctor every time you feel bad. Getting a Essential Oil Basic Starters Kit to get started. Once you get the hang of it , you can pick and choose certain oils that you use the most often.

The first thing that you need to do is to choose the oils that you want to use. Ask yourself what benefits that you are wanting from the essential oils.

There are so many oils to choose from. Find out what each one is good for and decide what you want to use for your needs and choose what scents that you like.

With essential oils you can discover which oils work best when blended together and you can experiment with different ones. Put little drops here and a few there until you get the one that you enjoy and works best for you.

Aromas work differently for everyone. Find the one for you.


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This Is Not A ‘Correction’……..It’s The Beginning Of The Global Bubble Unwind

“Financial markets, like religions, are faith-based networks.

 The complex structures of assets and liabilities that comprise markets are held together by a set of underlying beliefs. Unlike religions, however, financial dogmas are occasionally shown to be false.

We experienced such a moment last week, when the Chinese authorities chose to devalue their currency.”

Contemporary global finance is a complex “system” of interwoven (electronic) “faith-based networks.”

 As the bursting of the global Bubble unfolds, myriad “financial dogmas” will be exposed as bogus. Too many have been little more than chicanery.

For the most part, global finance is comprised of a labyrinth of IOUs. And IOU value hinges on confidence, faith and trust.

Over recent years too much of global finance has been underpinned – directly and indirectly – by concerted efforts of the world’s central bankers.


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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bill Clinton Pardoned Former CIA Director For Having Classified Material On Home Computer

Here is a walk down memory lane. I was trying to figure out which of the Clinton’s scandals would be a good pick for a Saturday review when I came upon this little gem. John Deutch. One of Bill’s many pardons given to a Clinton loyalist.

 Hillary keeps insisting that there is nothing to see, well, for some reason, I don’t think Deutch was so much different. I just wish some newsperson would ask her about this little pardon. Here we go:

Perhaps she’s forgotten one of her husband’s final acts in the Oval Office: issuing a presidential pardon to former CIA director John Deutch. Deutch’s offense? Keeping classified material on unsecured home computers.

The pardon came just as Deutch was reportedly going to cop a plea with the Justice Department. Deutch headed the CIA from May 1995 to December 1996. Several days after he left the agency, classified material was discovered on a government-owned computer at his house in Bethesda, Md.

Additionally, unsecured classified magnetic media were found in the study. According to the CIA inspector general’s report, the computer had been “designated for unclassified use only.”


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Paul Craig Roberts: “America Is A Gulag”

America’s First Black President is a traitor to his race and also to justice.

Obama has permitted the corrupt US Department of Justice (sic), over which he wields authority, to overturn the ruling of a US Federal Court of Appeals that prisoners sentenced illegally to longer terms than the law permits must be released once the legal portion of their sentence is served.

The DOJ, devoid of all integrity, compassion, and sense of justice, said that “finality” of conviction was more important than justice.

The concept of “finality” was an invention of a harebrained Republican conservative academic lionized by the Republican Federalist Society. In years past conservatives believed—indeed, still do—that the criminal justice system coddles criminals by allowing too many appeals against their unlawful convictions.

The appeals were granted by judges who thought that the system was supposed to serve justice, but conservatives demonized justice as something that enabled criminals.

A succession of Republican presidents turned the US Supreme Court into an organization that only serves the interests of private corporations. Justice is nowhere in the picture.


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Friday, August 21, 2015

Journalists Arrested In Ferguson For Doing Their Job

Last August after protests followed Michael Brown’s murder, 19 journalists were arrested, according to the Freedom of the Press Foundation.

 Others were harassed, threatened, tear gassed, pepper sprayed and abused by other brutal police tactics.

Authorities wanted journalists confined to a restricted area away from protests – to prevent their reporting on police brutality. Homeland Security operatives were involved.

 In a news conference, Obama lied saying:

“Let me be clear that our constitutional rights to speak freely, to assemble, and to report in the press must be vigilantly safeguarded, especially in moments like these.”

He prosecuted more whistleblowers of government wrongdoing than all his predecessors combined.

He targets journalists for doing their job.


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Founders Of Gaia Gardens In Santa Fe Quit Urban Farming In Protest Of City Inaction

Poki Piottin, who founded and runs the gardens with Dominique Pozo, said the next three months of produce will be given away to people in need.

The decision followed a third meeting with city officials Monday asking him to close the property’s farm stand. “I have decided to stop farming in the city — in protest,” Piottin wrote in an email.

But the farm also has faced other problems.

Piottin said it has been seeking water rights to irrigate the crops, but the regulatory process wouldn’t be completed until next summer.

Also, the bank has filed a foreclosure action against the owner of the land, which Gaia Gardens has been renting, making it unclear how long they would be able to remain on the land.

Piottin said he had raised money through crowd-funding and foundations to make an offer to buy the land, but the owner declined to consider a purchase while he was still able to collect rents.


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Almost 240,000 Immigrants Crossed Mediterranean Sea To Europe In 2015

The number of immigrants who crossed the Mediterranean to reach Europe so far this year is now at 237,000.

The number has already exceeded the total of those who managed to cross last year, said today the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The average daily number of rescues in Mediterranean waters has hit a thousand. Most of these rescues concentrate mainly on the coasts of islands of Italy and Greece.

Just today, the European Commissioner for Immigration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said that the world is facing “the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War”, and called on Europe to assist them in a “decent” and “civilized ” way.


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The Benefits Of Organic Hemp Milk

Though its name might be a bit misleading, One concern that people have about organic hemp milk is that it might contain some of the chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is found in marijuana. Rest assured that this ingredient is not present or associated with hemp milk.

Another concern is that the hemp seeds must be imported since it’s currently not legal to grow the hemp plant in the US. Some hemp milk producers have to rely on obtaining hemp seeds from farmers in Canada or Europe, where the growth of hemp plants for oil or milk is perfectly legal.

Health Benefits of Organic Hemp Milk

Organic hemp milk is also a great alternative to toxic cow’s milk and those who cannot consume dairy because of dietary issues.

One 8-Ounce glass contains the following healthy nutrients:

900mg Omega-3 Fatty Acid

2800mg Omega-6 Fatty Acid

All 10 Essential Amino Acids

4 grams of Digestible Protein

46% of RDA of Calcium

0% Cholesterol




Vitamin A

Vitamin E

Vitamin B12

Folic Acid

Vitamin D




And more


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How To Survive When You Can’t Pay Your Bills

Let’s talk about poverty. I don’t mean the kind you’re talking about when your friends invite you to go shopping or for a night out and you say, “No, I can’t. I’m poor right now.”

I don’t mean the situation when you’d like to get a nicer car but decide you should just stick to the one you have because you don’t have a few thousand for a down payment.

I don’t mean the scene at the grocery store when you decide to get ground beef instead of steak.

I’m talking about when you have already done the weird mismatched meals from your pantry that are made up of cooked rice, stale crackers, and a can of peaches, and you’ve moved on to wondering what on earth you’re going to feed your kids.

Or when you get an eviction notice for non-payment of rent, a shut-off notice for your utilities, and a repo notice for your car and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about any of those notices because there IS NO MONEY.


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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Federal Government To Return Millions Of Dollars In Liberty Dollars Seized By Authorities In 2007

Millions of dollars’ worth of silver, gold, platinum and copper Liberty Dollar medallions and related property seized by federal authorities in 2007 will be returned to their owners, according to court documents.

The return of that property, however, is being delayed until all petitions filed seeking return of the property have been completely processed and any appeals finalized.

In documents filed Aug. 14 in U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina in Statesville by Acting U.S. Attorney Jill Westemoreland Rose, 265 of the 302 petitions filed for the return of property were approved.

The court documents indicate the government is willing to settle 27 petitions in part. Seven petitions have been denied, four are in question and one petition is to be refiled.


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You’ve Been Warned – Spotify Wants To Spy On You In Every Way Imaginable

I clearly remember the moment several years ago when my closest friend from NYC was at my place pleading with me to download and use Spotify.

The pitch was compelling and I was open minded about the concept, until I learned that you had to login through Facebook to use it (no longer the case I believe). I immediately found this creepy and refused to use it.

Fast forward to 2015, and Forbes has come out with a very important article highlighting the incredible creepiness factor in Spotify’s new “privacy policy.” Here’s some of what it found:

Music streaming market leader Spotify has decided that it wants to know a lot more about you. It wants to be able to access the sensor information on your phone so it can determine whether you’re walking, running or standing still.

It wants to know your GPS coordinates, grab photos from your phone and look through your contacts too. And it may share that information with its partners, so a whole load of companies could know exactly where you are and what you’re up to.


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Hillary Clinton Admits Classified Information Was Stored On Home Server

“What, with a cloth or something?,” Democratic frontrunner (for now anyway) Hillary Clinton said earlier this week, in a sarcastic and fairly condescending reply to a reporter who pressed her on whether she had attempted to wipe her private e-mail server clean before turning it over to the FBI.

That was the second time in a week that Clinton has attempted to deflect questions about the server with a dark mix of humor and disdain, and it’s backfired both times.

When Clinton first handed over the server along with a thumb drive, an attorney for the Colorado-based company that managed Clinton’s private e-mail said the server the FBI got “is blank and does not contain any useful data.”

That only exacerbated GOP lawmakers’ aggravation and may well have cost Clinton in the polls, as the socialist Bernie Sanders surged ahead in New Hampshire.

Subsequently, reports surfaced that an audit of the e-mails the former First Lady turned over to the State Department revealed that at least two e-mails may have contained top secret information about the CIA’s drone program.


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10 Signs the US is Transitioning to Third World Country Status (Videos)

If you find yourself unwilling to accept the fact the United States is heading toward third world status and warp speed, then you are probably either a liberal (meaning you believe anything the talking heads tell you to believe), or you are one of the Americans who are in willful denial of the 10 Most Horrifying Realities Many Americans Find Too Awful To Face.

The first group are hopelessly lost. The second group should the view the post linked above. In it you will find videos too shocking to ignore.

Even as I type this, New WalMarts Are Being Converted to Prisons, and the Elites Prepare to Retreat to Underground Bunkers. The bunkers they’ll be retreating to were built with TRILLIONS of dollars of your tax dollars, and guess who they are NOT inviting? YOU! Think I’m kidding?

In 2010, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the unusual alliance Monday on the department’s blog and in a promotional video posted to YouTube.

More with Video

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Eugenicists Finally Got Sterilants Added To The Drinking Water

Compulsory abortion. Under-the-skin birth control implants. Government authorized reproduction. A Planetary Regime to regulate the population and ration food and resources.

A sterilant added to water supplies or food staples. The expansion of mandatory family planning and government enforced population restrictions.

All of this and more is discussed frankly in the 1977 textbook, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, written jointly by John P. Holdren, Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne Ehrlich (the follow up to the Erlichs’ 1970 text Population, Resources, Environment: Issues In Human Ecology, which essentially has a lot of the exact same passages…).

For years, overpopulation alarmists have dreamed of a day when the population would be forcibly controlled in a widespread manner.

Now it would seem they are passively getting their wish.

Is it a happy accident, or a clever second-hand scheme?


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Obama’s Foreign Policy For Dummies

We’re a little over a month removed from when President Obama claimed that under his leadership, America has regained its stature and the world is much safer than when he took charge.  I’m not sure what world Obama is living in, but I’d like to see it sometime.

 I’m sure it’s filled with rainbows and Skittles. And unicorns.  We can’t forget the unicorns.

In the time since Obama made that statement, he still has done nothing to stop the steady encroachment of ISIS in the Middle East.  (Thank you 60 nation coalition, whoever you are.  I’m betting Estonia is with us all the way.)  He and the massively siliconed John Kerry have made a horrendous deal with Iran.

(Hey Folks, you can feel good about this.  Iran won’t get a nuke for another decade.  Of course it will get sanctions lifted, billions of our tax dollars to help get OVER those sanctions, and a lifted embargo of conventional weapons.  But hey, no nukes.  That is of course unless they cheat, which Obama has already admitted they can do under this deal.)


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What’s The Real Agenda Behind The Chattanooga Shooting?- Episode 719

Germany approves the bailout plan for Greece. Tspiras removes those who voted against the bailout.

Banks in Greece are now NOT going to open on Monday. Consumer confidence declines again.

Real Estate boosted by permits on rental units not single family homes.

Retail sales do not fit the government manipulated numbers for unemployment and homes sales.Real wages continue to fall. US support MH17 tribunal, propaganda used to to implicate Russia.

Poroshenko says that he has new intelligence that the Southeastern people and Russia are about to attack.

The Chattanooga shooting has many different agendas.

The gun grabbers are pushing their agenda and the war mongers are pushing theirs. Both agendas conflict with each other.


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