Sunday, May 31, 2015

New Wave Of Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin—This Time In China 

 A number of Falun Gong practitioners have filed criminal complaints in China’s highest courts since the beginning of this month.

 These documents list the same defendant: Jiang Zemin—former head of the Chinese Communist Party who imposed his personal will on state organs to launch the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999.

In China, where the first lawsuit against Jiang occurred in August 2000, a new wave of legal efforts to bring Jiang to justice has begun. Chinese law allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many Falun Gong practitioners are now exercising their legal right to file criminal complaints against Jiang.

Practitioner Zhang Zhaosen in Hubei Province submitted his criminal complaint to the judge during his illegal trial at the Xiangyang Intermediate Court on May 15, 2015. The judge accepted the complaint.

Prior to the trial, Mr. Zhang also mailed his complaint to the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on May 11 via EMS (Express Mail Service).


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Saturday, May 30, 2015

“Ferguson Effect” Triggers Nationwide “Crime Wave”  

Two weeks ago, we took a look at Baltimore in the aftermath of violent protests that left the city in ashes late last month.

 The astonishing statistic: from April 27 to May 14, there were 23 homicides in the city, for an average of 1.3 each day.

We summed up the situation as follows: “But out of sight, out of mind for the rest of the country and we imagine that just as high crime rates and a generalized sense of despair were ignored before the riots, so too will they be ignored now that the media spectacle has died down … at least until the next “purge.”

In fact, May was the city’s bloodiest month since 1999 with more than 30 people shot on Memorial Day weekend alone.

Here, courtesy of The Baltimore Sun, is a recap of those who were murdered in Baltimore from May 17 through May 25 alone:


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New Zealand Group Seeks Zero Tolerance for Pesticide Residues In Baby Food 

A petition seeking zero tolerance for pesticide residues in baby food was discussed Friday by a committee of the New Zealand parliament, but members of the Primary Production Committee reportedly took no action on it.

The Safe Food Campaign (SFC), which is sponsoring the petition, noted that the European Commission has mandated no detectable pesticide levels for baby food in EU countries.

“I am sure I am talking on behalf of every parent in New Zealand when I urge the government to step up and protect our babies from dangerous pesticides that are currently present in baby food,” said Alison White of the SFC.

The petition was submitted on behalf of more than 4,300 New Zealanders and urged the parliament to “match the European Union directives that processed infant and young children’s food must not contain individual pesticide residues greater that 0.01ppm (mg/kg).” It was originally presented one year ago Friday.


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Earth Being Rocked -Planetary Alignment Earthquake Prediction Proving True 

The planetary alignment predicted there would be earthquakes and now the Earth is being bombarded by intense earthquakes.

 Now as we examine to earthquake activity through out the world taking place today, especially Japan, we see large seismic activity taking place, the Unites States is also seeing an increase in seismic activity as well. 

As reported by Adonai of The Watchers website:  Extremely strong and very deep M8.5 earthquake was registered by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) off the coast of Chichi-shima, Bonin Islands region (Ogasawara), Japan at 11:23 UTC on May 30, 2015. JMA is reporting depth of 590 km (366 miles). 

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Air Force Calling For Lasers On Aircraft By 2023 

Conspiracy theorists and military nerds alike have been talking about the possibility of the US using lasers in combat, and it might be coming.

According to reports, the Air Force wants to equip some planes with laser cannons by the first part of the next decade.

Last week, DARPA announced it would begin a series of field tests for its High-Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS).

The field tests are expected to replicate using the laser cannon against rockets, mortars, vehicles, and surface-to-air missiles.


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Friday, May 29, 2015

Want To Feed The Homeless? That Will Be $400, Please 

Homelessness in the U.S. is continuing to skyrocket, despite what the government would like us to believe.

And if you want to help your fellow Americans who are in need, well…there is a price to be paid.

You see, the government isn’t going to just let you go out and feed hungry folks. Nope. Like pretty much anything else in this country, that will require a permit, and permits aren’t cheap.

The good people of a non-profit organization found this out the hard way.

Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change recently visited Los Angeles, California to talk to Cloud 9, which is a non-profit organization that has been helping the homeless.

Because no good deed goes unpunished, Cloud 9 recently had the government show up at a charity event and demand they pay over $400 for a permit in order to continue their work.


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Thursday, May 28, 2015

U.S. Military 'Mistakenly' Ships Live Anthrax To Labs In Nine States

 A U.S. military facility in Utah 'mistakenly' sent live anthrax bacteria to private laboratories in nine U.S. states and a U.S. military base in South Korea, the Pentagon said on Wednesday.

 Four U.S. civilians have been started on preventive measures called post-exposure prophylaxis, which usually includes the anthrax vaccine, antibiotics, or both.

In this latest incident, anthrax was sent from the Army's Dugway Proving Ground to laboratories in Maryland, Texas, Wisconsin, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee, New York, California and Virginia, a defense official said.

The four civilians receiving post-exposure prophylaxis are in Delaware, Texas, and Wisconsin.


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Julian Assange On The TPP – “Deal Isn’t About Trade, It’s About Corporate Control” 

It’s mostly not about trade. Only 5 of the 29 chapters are about traditional trade.

– Julian Assange in a recent interview with Democracy Now

I’ve focused a little bit more of my attention on the Trans-Pacific Partnership lately, as the Obama Administration scrambles to attain “fast-track” authority from Congress.

The content of this unbelievably dangerous gift to multi-national corporations is being kept secret from the public, and for very good reason. For some background on the TPP and where it stands, see:


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Think The Anti-GMO Movement Is Unscientific? Think Again 

“Anyone that says, ‘Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,’ I say is either unbelievably stupid, or deliberately lying. The reality is, we don’t know. The experiments simply haven’t been done, and now we have become the guinea pigs.”  ~ David Suzuki, geneticist

Now that the mainstream media is catching on to the public sentiment against GMO food, or at least against unlabeled GMO food, to the tune of millions of Americans who made it a point to drag themselves out of their homes to protest Monsanto last month (as well as at least 40 additional countries), inevitably the indictment will be made: “the anti-GMO movement is “unscientific.”” Is that really so?

What we do know is that the unintended consequences of the recombinant DNA process employed to create genetically engineering organisms are beyond the ability of present-day science to comprehend.

This is largely due to the post-Human Genome Project revelation that the holy grail of molecular biology, the overly-simplified ‘one gene > one trait’ model, is absolutely false.


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Switzerland To Open Bitcoin Bank As Crypto “Fort Knox” Relocates To Zurich 

With every DM central bank hell-bent on ensuring that the currencies which roll off their printing presses will become ever more worthless with each passing iteration of the global debt monetization ponzi scheme, and with calls growing louder to ban hard currency altogether in an effort to remove the effective lower bound and thus make it possible for bureaucrats to centrally plan every aspect of the economy right down to the micromanagement of people’s spending habits, we suppose now is as good a time as any to make the switch to a medium of exchange not controlled by the Keynesian cabal and where better to go “crypto” than Switzerland which, according to Handelszeitung, is set to open its first Bitcoin bank.

Here’s the story (via Google translate):

Switzerland’s financial center is likely to be rich in the near future to one facet. Currently, preparations are underway for the establishment of the first Bitcoin Bank. The reportedly from multiple sources in the financial sector. Corresponding discussions with the Financial Market Supervisory Authority are to take place in these days. To date, there is in Switzerland no bank that offers services with the new digital currency Bitcoin.


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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

QE4 Arrives: Mystery Drone Rains Money On People In Michigan, Cash-Grabbing Frenzy Ensues

With the Fed’s Stanley Fischer yesterday reminding everyone of what Jim “QE4″ Bullard said a month ago when he hinted that the Fed may be hiking rates only to slam the economy into a recession thus leading to a prompt rate cut (also known as the top Jean-Claude Trichet trade of 2011) and then launch QE4 promptly thereafter, some have wondered – what will the Fed’s next quantiative easing episode looks like?
The reason for the confusion is that in recent public statements, Yellen has expressed a concern with not only market overvaluation but also complacency: which is why using even more Fed reserves to prop up the artificially inflated and ever more liquid markets would be myopic as it would push stocks even recorder without leading to any economic benefits and certainly no benefits for 90% of the population.
We got a glimpse of just what Yellen has in mind for the next ‘monetary transmission mechanism’ yesterday, when a mystery drone appeared above the Rosa Parks Circle in Grand Rapids, Michigan and literally rained down money on the people below, leading to what the Mail describes as a “cash-grabbing frenzy.”
Russia Launches Own Jade Helm As China Pushes Pentagon 

One story after another – the global war build-up continues. If you are not paying attention then you’ll be forced to once our suicidal leaders cross the threshold and plunge us into the abyss of war.

Just now the Moscow times is reporting that a Russia is deploying their own JADE HELM level exercises – Immediately after NATO wrapped their own version.

12,000 Russian soldiers and 250 aircraft are taking part in the Air defense exercises in the Ural Mountains and western Siberia.

But that is only the beginning – in September an even larger Russian Military drill is scheduled to take place called “Tsentr-2015.”

International tensions have never been higher with Russia – and now China is challenging the Pentagon.

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Banks Buy Their Way Out Of Currency Manipulation Scandal 

JPMorgan Chase is the unspoken architect of fraud, corruption, not to mention the establishment of the largest Ponzi scheme in world history.

It is the second reprimand in less than six months against five major multinational banks for currency manipulation.

The Department of Justice of United States and the Federal Reserve closed a deal with five of the largest banks in the world, which will be fined $ 5.7 billion dollars for having manipulated currency exchange rates for five years.

It is the second reprimand derived from in less than six months. This time, the banks have also admitted guilt in the fraud, which can lead to criminal charges against its employees.

Don’t hold your breath for those criminal charges, though. No single banker has gone to jail in recent history despite multiple and continuous violations of existing law.


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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Patriot Act Is Now USA Freedom Act 

How many times has the mainstream media mentioned the USA Freedom Act? Well, if you did hear of this legislation, you must have been watching C-SPAN or a foreign press channel. Read a report from NPR, that government funded broadcast, which never fails to present a known editorial viewpoint.

“The USA Freedom Act extends many parts of the 2001 USA Patriot Act, which expires June 1. The measure’s fate in the Senate is less likely.

The surveillance issue has sparked “rare bipartisan unity” in the House, NPR’s David Welna reports for today’s All Things Considered. He notes that the push to change the law comes from Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

“Despite changes to the NSA bulk telephone metadata program announced by President Obama last year,” Goodlatte says, “the bulk collection of the records has not ceased, and will not cease, unless and until Congress acts to shut it down.”


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Is Jade Helm Taking Out The Power Grid In The Southwest? 

Not that long ago I did a post on how an an EMP attack would kill 90% of us population. Prior to that I did post titled: NSA planning false flag to take down power grid. I don’t know how many people would be wiped out if the entire southwest U.S.

Lost power, but the scenarios are shockingly similar. There is one major difference between the EMP scenario, and the one that seems to be unfolding right now: the training for martial law just so happens to be already in place for the exact area targeted.

Zero Hedge reports:

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake (originally reported 5.4) shook Las Vegas and surrounding areas Friday morning causing roads and bridges to be closed. The quake went little-reported outside of local news (since there was at first glance minimum damage caused) but, since the quake’s occurrence, something considerably more worrisome has occurred.


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Police Militarization: Preparation For Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Civil Unrest, And Martial Law 

The following is a study I’ve done proving that the active militarization of police dramatically increased after the financial crisis of 2008. The U.S. military’s nationwide Civil Disturbance Operations,

Jade Helm and ARSOF Operating Concept are all a cohesive preparation for a forthcoming nationwide economic collapse, civil unrest and martial law due to widespread food shortages and lack of emergency services. It’s all connected, ladies and gentlemen, and I’ll show you how.

“The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders . . . But a government that initiates the employment of force against men who had forced no one . . . reverses its only moral purpose and switches from the role of protector to the role of man’s deadliest enemy, from the role of policeman to the role of a criminal vested with the right to the wielding of violence against the victims deprived of the right of self-defense.”

 ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged Vol. I, (Random House: New York, NY, 1957), Chapter 7, “The Exploiters and the Exploited”, p.3


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Falun Gong Practitioner Files Criminal Complaints Against Jiang Zemin in China’s Highest Courts 

A Falun Gong practitioner in China has submitted criminal complaints against former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin for launching and sustaining the persecution of Falun Gong.

Unlike in some western countries where the government files criminal complaints against defendants, Chinese citizens are allowed to be the plaintiffs in criminal cases.

Ms. Zhu Hefei exercised her legal right by submitting a complaint to the Supreme People’s Court on May 16, 2015, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on May 19.

She wrote in the complaint, “The Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Chinese Constitution and upholding justice. It’s the time to hold Jiang Zemin accountable.”

Ms. Zhu started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, at which time she was the head of a CCP organization department and director of personnel at the Jiangsu Second Normal University (formerly Jiangsu Institute of Education). She was promoted to Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the university in 1998.


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Alex Jones: “Something Big Is About To Happen!” Don’t Miss This Critical Alert 

Have you ever had a gut feeling that something big and possible bad is about to happen?

If you have, you’re not the only one! In the video below alternative media giant Alex Jones shares his gut feeling about what could be coming! Here is what is stated in his YouTube commentary:

“Scientists have proven that humans and animals can sense events and energy sources that are beyond the reach of the five senses.

Alex Jones’ sixth sense has been going off in recent weeks and he wanted to take some time to share what he has been going through mentally and call for a discussion of what the future has in store in for all of us.”


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Why Giving Up Sugar Can Be Really Good For Your Health 

Many people have a sweet tooth. They enjoy foods that have sugar in them, including sweets, candy, and other treats. Sodas and even fruit juices sometimes have extra sugar added to improve the flavor.

It turns out sugar is not good for a person’s health at all. Sugar does not contain nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or anything else that is good for the body. Sugar can add empty calories to the body and can harm overall health.

Why Sugar is bad

For years people have blamed cholesterol and saturated fats as the leading causes of heart disease. Heart disease is the number on cause of death in all of the world. While these things are not good for a person’s health, there is something that is worse.

That something is sugar. Studies have shown that sugar can raise the oxidized LDL levels in the blood which is a leading cause of heart disease. Sugar can also raise insulin levels and increase the amount of fat that a person has. This can happen in as little as ten weeks.


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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton: Monsanto’s Next Poster Puppet 

Conservative, liberal or independent – it makes no difference – when one of the nationally recognized presidential candidates for 2016 supports Monsanto, you know that democracy has failed in the United States. I’m talking about Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is Monsanto’s next poster puppet. Why? She represents a demographic that wants GMOs labeled. She represents ‘women’ who are, in large part, the people who buy groceries, take them home, and feed their families.

She represents ‘democratsl ostensibly educated, liberal, and young – but she doesn’t represent me. That’s because she supports GMOs.

Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn’t represent the American people, either. Recently, she stated her desire to get industry representatives around a table to have an “intensive discussion” about “how the federal government could help biotechs with insurance against [financial] risk.”

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Why No One Wants To Talk About China’s Female Suicide Problem 

Zhang Xihuan doesn't know what was going through her mind when she swallowed a mouthful of the pesticide stored behind the staircase in her home in rural Shandong province.

Maybe she was thinking of her neighbors who had ostracized her when she was diagnosed with hepatitis B. Or perhaps she was thinking of the hours spent scraping a living by collecting coal that had fallen on the road en route to nearby mines.

Regardless, when Xihuan brought the bottle of Yang Hua Le Guo pesticide to her lips in May 2009, she was doing what countless Chinese women had done before her and would do after: taking their own lives rather than face the harsh reality of their society. The only difference was that Xihuan would live to tell her story to the World Health Organization.

China accounts for 26 percent of suicides worldwide, according to WHO estimates. Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death in the country and the suicide rate in women is 25 percent higher than in men. Young rural women are most at risk and their poison of choice – or convenience – is pesticide.


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Lake Mead Water Level Mysteriously Plunges After Nevada Quake 

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake (originally reported 5.4) shook Las Vegas and surrounding areas Friday morning causing roads and bridges to be closed. The quake went little-reported outside of local news (since there was at first glance minimum damage caused) but, since the quake’s occurrence, something considerably more worrisome has occurred.

In the 36 hours since the quake’s occurrence, water levels at Lake Mead have plunged precipitously. While we know correlation is not causation, the ‘coincidence’ of an extreme loss in water levels occurring in the aftermath of one of the largest quakes in recent Vegas history does raise a suspicious eyebrow – especially when there has been no official word on the precipitous decline.

The earthquake hit mid-morning on Friday:

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake shook Las Vegas and surrounding areas Friday morning, forcing loose a rubber casing on a bridge and leading state officials to close Spaghetti Bowl interchanges for several hours.


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Google’s Plan To Eliminate Human Driving In 5 Years 

Google’s adorable self-driving car prototype hits the road this summer, the tech giant announced last week. Real roads, in the real world. The car has no steering wheel or pedals, so it’s up to the computer to do all the driving.

As cool as this sounds, it isn’t a huge technological step forward. The goofy little cars use the same software controlling the Lexus and Toyota vehicles that have logged hundreds of thousands of autonomous miles, and Google’s spent the past year testing its prototypes on test tracks.

And, in keeping with California law, there will be a human aboard, ready to take over (with a removable steering wheel, accelerator pedal, and brake pedal) if the something goes haywire.

What’s important here is Google’s commitment to its all-or-nothing approach, which contrasts with the steady-as-she-goes approach favored by automakers like Mercedes, Audi and Nissan.


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Science And Reason Takes Back Seat To 9/11 Official Story In Historic AIA Resolution Vote 

In a historic vote, delegates of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) overwhelmingly voted down Resolution 15-6 which called for AIA to support a new investigation of the destruction of World Trade Center building 7 on September 11th 2001.

 The resolution, which was introduced by AIA member Dan Barnum FAIA, was voted down overwhelmingly by a vote of 3892 – 160 meaning 96% of the delegates voted to ignore the science, the facts, and the evidence which is today common knowledge about the destruction of WTC 7!

That’s right. 96% of voting AIA delegates voted with intentions and goals outside the realm of science and reason. Could it be that to 96% of AIA delegates two planes can symmetrically destroy three massive towers at free fall speed through the path of most resistance?

Can it be that to 96% of AIA voting delegates a 47 story state of the art tower can disintegrate at free fall speed due to ordinary office fires? If this was really the case, would you trust these people to build the apartment building you live in or office building you work at?


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Saturday, May 23, 2015

The United States Of Injustice: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Death Sentence 

No justice whatever exists. Guilt by accusation suffices for anyone Washington wants convicted.

Innocence is no defense. Juries are pressured to convict. Evidence when absent is invented. Lack of proof doesn’t matter.

Thousands of political prisoners languish in America’s gulag – at home and abroad. Thousands more are imprisoned for misdemeanors too minor to matter – ones for which just societies wouldn’t tolerate incarceration.

Wrongful convictions are longstanding US practice – including numerous victims sentenced to capital punishment for crimes they didn’t commit.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is the latest example – wrongfully convicted on 30 counts, 17 subject to possible capital punishment.


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40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire 

You may not have noticed, but our planet is becoming increasingly unstable.  According to Volcano Discovery, 40 volcanoes around the globe are erupting right now, and only 6 of them are not along the Ring of Fire.

If that sounds like a very high number to you, that is because it is a very high number.  As I have written about previously, there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions during the entire 20th century.

 When you divide that number by 100, that gives you an average of about 35 volcanic eruptions per year.  So the number of volcanoes that are erupting right now is well above the 20th century’s average for an entire calendar year.

And of course we are witnessing a tremendous amount of earthquake activity as well.  Nepal was just hit by the worst earthquake that it had seen in 80 years, and scientists are telling us that the Himalayas actually dropped by an astounding 3 feet as a result of that one earthquake.  How much more does our planet have to shake before people start paying attention?


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Ninth Circuit Rules American Flag "UNSAFE" For School | Politics

Ninth Circuit Rules American Flag "UNSAFE" For School | Politics:

Ninth Circuit Rules American Flag “UNSAFE” For School

IF you hate our flag so much, and you find it SOOOO offensive for whatever reason, all I know is you BETTER not be receiving a check from the government of the very flag you hate so much represents. If you are, I’d love it if friends or neighbors would rat you out, and we could start attaching your name to these “anonymous pics” disrespecting the flag. Then, your communities could “police” you accordingly. Let me be clear, I am NOT calling for vigilante justice, but a public shunning would be appropriate until you show remorse for your actions! I’ll make you a deal: If you hate our flag, and you can’t afford to leave, I’ll ROW you wherever you want to go! 


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Another Court Says American Flag “Incites Violence!” 

Just earlier today I posted: Ninth Circuit Court rules American flags “unsafe” for schools. How the hell could a court Ok that?

I’ll say the same thing I said about the previous ruling: you pledge allegiance, or get the hell out! I will help you pack, and if you can’t afford a plane ticket, I’ll row your ass wherever you need to go.

This is not acceptable!

You chose to burn the flag or desecrate it, don’t do it around me, but that’s your right. Making me take down my flag is not your right. You want to “incite some violence?” come tell me I cannot display the red, white and blue.

What in god’s good name is happening in this country. These crazy liberals make up like 15% of the population… yet we keep letting them get away with the garbage!


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America’s Very Survival Depends On Stopping Jade Helm 

How long  before Jade Helm 15 goes live to martial law?

Everywhere you look, if you just pay attention, you can see that preparations and conditions are escalating at an exponential rate for something massive.

What will be the final catalyst that will have enough momentum and fear associated with it, that the door to martial law will be cracked open long just enough for overlord Obama to bum rush the throne, crown himself emperor of the universe, and finish dismantling what was once the United States? I think the final straw is going to come from one of three areas:

  1) perhaps the figurative levies on the global banking system will finally blow sending the masses into total hysteria?

  2) perhaps it will materialize through the prism of another senseless racial shooting causing the country to finally erupt into a race war and mass riots? 

3) finally, maybe one of the known 22 jihad training camps located throughout the united states that Eric Holder refused to look into will launch an attack here on the homeland.

Worse, maybe one of the first two scenarios occurs first, and then in the wake of the chaos the third one strikes?


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‘Titanic’ Global Economy May “Collapse” Warn HSBC – Gold Is Lifeboat 

The chief economist of the world’s third largest bank, HSBC’s Stephen King, has compared the global economy to the Titanic.

In a note to clients on Wednesday he wrote “We may not know what will cause the next downswing but, at this stage, we can categorically state that, in the event we hit an iceberg, there aren’t enough lifeboats to go round.”

“The world economy is like an ocean liner without lifeboats.” As we have been warning in recent months, when another recession arrives, governments do not have the ability or the reserves to prop up the economy like they did in 2008.

Global debt has soared by 40 percent since the Great Recession. We now have a staggering $200 trillion of debt globally, or almost three times the size of the global economy. It would be a “truly titanic struggle” for policymakers to right the economy, King said.


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Constitution 1 – 0 Government: NSA Starts Winding Down Bulk Data Collection 

As we detailed earlier, in a chaotic scene during the wee hours of Saturday, Senate Republicans blocked a bill known as the USA Freedom Act - backed by President Barack Obama, House Republicans and the nation's top law enforcement and intelligence officials – which would have preserved the government's ability to search phone company records for suspected spies and terrorists.

As AP reports, the failure to act means the NSA will immediately begin curtailing its previously-secret bulk data collection programs with The DoJ noting that while it will take time to taper off the collection process, that process began Friday (according to an administration official).

Sen. Rand Paul called the Senate's failure to allow an extension of the surveillance programs a victory for privacy rights, adding “we should never give up our rights for a false sense of security.”

We explained Rand Paul's refusal to play by the Washington script earlier and how the Senate failure to extend the Patriot Act leaves the future of America's “war against terrorists” – but really against “enemies domestic”, i.e., anyone who uses email, has a cell phone or in any other electronic way communicates with others – in limbo.

Now, it appears, as AP reports, the de-esclation of The NSA is escalating rather faster than many had dared to hope for…


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Friday, May 22, 2015

The Greatest Nightmare About To Unfold! Proof They Are Pacifying The Public To Martial Law And Civil Unrest  

“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.”

That is the unnerving quote found in a government study titled “Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland.”

While America may not yet feel like we are living in the middle of a battlefield, we could very well become caught in the coming battle many are projecting for the the near future…at least that is what the Department of Defense wants citizens to believe.

Considering the United States government has been significantly increasing their training preparations with massive military drills like Jade Helm and the stockpiling of ammo, guns, body armor and the like. The possibility of some type of crisis or the declaration of martial law could become a reality a lot sooner than I would like to believe.


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Clinton Benghazi E-Mails Released, Show “Sensitive” Information Was Sent From Personal Server 

The State Department has released 850 pages of e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail address.

Clinton has been under fire for using a private e-mail server (as opposed to an official government account) to discuss potentially sensitive matters of national security and foreign policy during her tenure as the nation’s top diplomat.

Specifically, there are big questions about who knew what and when about an attack on US outposts in Benghazi that killed US ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

Clinton has said she wants the e-mails to be released and The State Department is using this as a “we told you so” moment as you can see from the following statement:

“The emails we release today do not change the essential facts or our understanding of the events before, during, or after the attacks, which have been known since the independent Accountability Review Board report on the Benghazi attacks was released almost 2½ years ago.”


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Yellen Warns “Rate Hikes Appropriate This Year”, Blames “Snowy Winter” – Live Feed 

Traders looking to get an early start on the holiday weekend will have to wait a bit longer today, as Janet Yellen is set to speak to a sold-out audience at the Providence, Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Outlook Luncheon today.

Yellen will discuss the prospects for the economy and will likely parrot the usual talking points about consistent employment gains and a generally positive environment for growth — “transitory” Q1 weakness notwithstanding.

The Fed chief will also likely reiterate that ‘lift-off’ will probably come later this year, because as we learned earlier this week, the BEA and Yellen’s friends at the San Francisco Fed have now given the FOMC the all-clear to ignore Q1 GDP because once the data undergoes a second seasonal adjustment, the economy will be shown to have performed fine after all meaning the rate hike can proceed as planned.


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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Exposed: Obama’s Plan To Steal The 2016 Elections 

When do people begin to at least being to listen to what those of us who have been right about almost everything all along have to say?

I didn’t say agree with… but at least listen?

In my post from 2013 titled: Obama really did steal the 2012 election, I said the following:

I’ve been trying to figure this one out for a while. I’ve opined on it in quite a few of my posts. How is it that no one has been prosecuted for this yet? The election was stolen. Obama didn’t even come close to winning as far as i’m concerned. Let’s start with the bare basics, and just facts, no speculation:

18 U.S.C.§610 coercion of political activity: 

It shall be unlawful for any person to intimidate, (I.R.S., Tea Party, cough!) threaten, command, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, command, or coerce, any employee of the federal government as defined in section 7322(1) of title 5, united states code, to engage in, or not to engage in, any political activity, including, but not limited to, voting or refusing to vote for any candidate or measure in any election, making or refusing to make any political contribution, or working or refusing to work on behalf of any candidate.

Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


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Raider Focus: Military War Games Set To Include 650 Vehicles, Will Be Largest Military Convoy Seen In Colorado Since World War II 

 In what is being described as the largest military road convoy in Colorado since World War II, hundreds of Stryker armored vehicles and other military rigs will travel from Fort Carson to Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site for “combat training.”

The simulated war game known as Raider Focus will pack Colorado highways with military vehicles set to take off every half hour in 15 to 30 vehicle convoys for the up to four-hour trip.

“This is a big sign that something huge is going down, it’s just one thing after another, continuing to see all these military movements and activity….. tanks, equipment on train tracks, helicopters over residential neighbors, and now we have this in Colorado,” reported DAHBOO777 in the above video report.

Although the convoy is apparently only the first part of the war game, the driving on American highways is actually part of the training itself. “The move to Piñon Canyon is itself a training event,” Col. David Hodne told the Colorado Gazette.


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The Greatest Water Crisis In The History Of The United States 

What are we going to do once all the water is gone?  Thanks to the worst drought in more than 1,000 years, the western third of the country is facing the greatest water crisis that the United States has ever seen.

Lake Mead is now the lowest that it has ever been since the Hoover Dam was finished in the 1930s, mandatory water restrictions have already been implemented in the state of California, and there are already widespread reports of people stealing water in some of the worst hit areas.

But this is just the beginning.  Right now, in a desperate attempt to maintain somewhat “normal” levels of activity, water is being pumped out of the ground in the western half of the nation at an absolutely staggering pace.

Once that irreplaceable groundwater is gone, that is when the real crisis will begin.  If this multi-year drought stretches on and becomes the “megadrought” that a lot of scientists are now warning about, life as we know it in much of the country is going to be fundamentally transformed and millions of Americans may be forced to find somewhere else to live.


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What Are The Nine Commentaries? 

The truth of events that have unfolded in China since the 1920′s, when the communist party took control, have remained mostly unknown to Chinese people.

 The Nine Commentaries is an editorial series published in 2004 by the Epoch Times newspaper.

 It reveals what has really been happening in China, and how corruption was able to take hold.

 It offers hope to the Chinese people, and indeed the rest of the world.

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (Jiuping Gongchandang, or simply ‘Jiuping’) is a book-length editorial series published in November 2004 by The Epoch Times (Dajiyuan), a Chinese-language newspaper based in the United States.

The series present a historical account of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from its founding to the present day and lays out a thorough critique of the CCP’s ideology, beliefs, and practices, arguing that the Party is fundamentally opposed to 5000 years of traditional Chinese values and virtues.


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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Man Tasered By TSA, Arrested At Los Angeles International Airport 

A unarmed man who refused to cooperate with Transportation Security Administration officers in a screening area at Los Angeles International Airport bolted when airport police arrived. The man was chased, tasered, and arrested, Reuters reported.

The incident happened on Wednesday and TSA officials have not disclosed who the man is or what caused him to run. His arrest was captured on video and posted on Instagram.

Traveler Sean Diamond was just about to catch his flight home when he said a man ran through security with two cops, one undercover and one uniformed, giving chase.

The video shows the man on the ground with two officers pointing weapons at him. He suddenly tries to get up and run, but is then shot with a Taser by a uniformed officer who yells, “Stay down! Stay down now!”


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“This Divergence Is At The Root Of Most American Economic Problems” 

Some critical observations on changes in the US economy over the past two generations, which are certainly not for the benefit of the American middle-class worker, courtesy of the Economic Policy Institute.

Unpaid Productivity

Since 1979, hourly pay for the vast majority of American workers has not only lagged behind growth at the very top of the distribution and thus behind average wage growth, but has also diverged from economy-wide productivity, as shown in Figure M. This divergence is at the root of numerous American economic challenges (Bivens et al. 2014).

Labor productivity is a measure of the value of goods and services produced in the economy in an average hour of work. It rises steadily over time (except possibly during some recessionary years) as technology, capital intensity, and the educational attainment of the U.S. workforce increase.

 When labor markets are tight and/or policy provides bargaining power to workers through labor market institutions such as a protected right to unionize and robust minimum wages, productivity increases usually generate corresponding wage increases.


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